Brand Profile for Patchology

Women’s aspire to “beauty at the speed of you” with kits and collections of innovative skincare products that we assemble and ship to global destinations.

Client Profile

Brand: Patchology
Company: Iontera
Products: Skincare Treatment Technology
Services: B2B & B2C Fulfillment. (Trendy, fast-growing. We do global fulfillment for them and have assembled over 25 "kits" or collections).

Iontera's Patchology brand was formed after their founding team began developing innovative patch technologies for the medical field. Today, they bring that expertise into commercial skincare products.  Patchology strives to deliver "beauty at the speed of you". We teamed up with Iontera to deliver both business-to-business fulfillment and business-to-consumer fulfillment globally.   This enables them to continue to build their trendy and fast-growing business.